Written by jayson.
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As a guide to readers, here are the basic tenets of the spirituality presented on infinitespiral.net:
- Existence proceeds as a cyclic, though never repeating, Process of becoming through power and the use of power.
The world is will to power.
- Reality is an inter-subjective set of abstractions that are created while experiencing and engaging this Process.
Action creates truth.
- We all want to participate in this Process, because we are this Process. We experience this want through Desire.
We all desire to desire.
- There are sources of information from which we form our desires. Some are required for us to be considered human and be able to talk about it. Others are entirely irrational – and that should be recognized and celebrated.
Celebrate the irrational.
- Our desires are entirely subjective – no one shares the same desires as anyone else. Similarities can be realized, but realizing similarities is a ritual for the purpose of satisfying your own desires.
Only you know what you want.
- Truth is neither objective nor permanent. Truths are abstractions that are either useful to the satisfaction of desires, or not. Those that are no longer useful will be broken down. Successful systems will break them down at the correct speed, at the correct time, and in the correct context.
Truth does not imply permanence.
- We all perform rituals. These rituals are patterns that may come from any source, but they are, consciously or not, purposeful towards the satisfaction of our desires. We use rituals to create, break down, or act upon abstractions that allow us to generate and use power.
Use rituals to engage the Process.
- Good and bad, right and wrong, must be predicated upon a particular goal. They must be good or bad for something. Since we all agree, intrinsically, that the satisfaction of our desires is itself desirable, it is useful to seek those truths that are good for engaging the Process.
The Process is beyond good and evil.
- There is more information in reality than can be rationally comprehended by people. This does not mean we cannot access that information, merely that we can only do so irrationally. Attempting to control and plan things too much risks clinging to abstractions that should be broken down.
Let go of truths when they no longer serve you.
- Desires themselves cannot be good or bad desires. One can be mistaken about what one actually desires – but if the desire is true then it is true. It is justifiable to judge another’s values in the context of your own, but to dismiss the fact that others have values and came to them through their own experiences and their own information is hateful and not conducive to the overall power process.
Recognize the values of others.
- Rituals and abstractions that help us gain better perspective on the overall power process already exist, and are those that are and were culturally generated around a cyclic existence. This repeated-yet-ever-changing model is a useful model for other rituals that help satisfy desires.
The Process expresses itself in an infinite spiral.
- Reality responds to your actions alone. To create real change, rituals must be practiced.
You become what you do.
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